Thursday, December 16, 2010

meeting reflection

I was a Note Taker of our meeting group and my job was to write the points and discuss the point with my group. With the help of my meeting team we have done good job. Our meeting was about HCT parking Issue.

It was successful because all the following groups used our way and the audiences were able to listen and make a good eye contact for all the class. My evaluate was very good as a Note Taker of the meeting because I have discussed almost all the points and I was able to write all the points on a paper that help me to write meeting report .It was hard so I have to take a note and discuss the points at the same time. My team was very helpful and I have received a good feedback from them. The team leader was very helpful he discuses every point and assess us all. All the members were adding points to make the meeting as good as possible.

I think I have done my work and cover all the points. I hope to improve myself in writing points and listen to the meeting at the same time, because it’s really difficult to listen and write.


On Tuesday 14th of December 2010, my classmate AWAD ALI MANEA MUFREH(C00160122), made a presentation about “Internet TV” at 8:45 am in T001. In this report, I am going to evaluate and discuss about his presentation and I will give some recommendations about it.

First of all, Awad starts with a different of Internet TV attract the audience and that was a great idea to attract the students. The eye contact for Awad was very good and he moves in front of the screen to give the audience a clear vision for the screen. He has got some note with him in the presentation and he did not read from either paper or screen because he practices in his home and have a background about his topic, so he gave as nice information about Internet. The sound was clear and the voice was very good and clear for all the class. The presentation seems organized and clear. Awad look confident and he smile a lot.

The slide background was a nice design and the text size was normal. The visual of the presentation was nice. Awad use animations and transitions for his presentation.

Awad presentation was good and he mentions us about the important thing in the Internet TV. I like Awad presentation and I’m happy to write summary about him.