Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Communicative Skills-English N101

The semester is end after taken new helpful classes not only in the major, also in our life such as in our work. It’s one of important skills in any practiced life. Whole my life I will remember this subject and I am proud because I learned under the hand of Mr. John Vrhovnik.

we have gained in this course very important in preparing and planning that will helps us to improved our English skills by experiences in organizing, before I had taken this subject I enter the meeting without preparing for it, such as agenda, but now I recognized what we must to prepare and organize for the meeting by having the agenda and planning. I hope in future to use these skills that will help me to get a great meeting.

the biggest challenges in this course was the semi-formal presentation, because its difficult to me to do a presentation without using Power Point many slides because only two slides, it’s the first time to form be but the Mr. John Vrhovnik help be and with more practice its became easier to me it was the biggest challenge for me and I did will.

finally I have really enjoyed the course, it's my pleasure to work with a good teacher that really take care about us, believe me I will use his comments and notes in future because it's really the right way for doing a meeting. Also I will try to improve my English that really help me in future, and listening and writing at same time.

1 comment:

  1. Khalid;

    I feel all warm and buttery just reading your class reflection report... !

    I'm glad that you learned something from this course, and will use your experience in the future! You have the skills, you just need to use them.. Good Luck in the future!

